DUI Defense


Utah DUI Defense

Many people that have been arrested for DUI believe there is nothing they can do to fight the charges. That notion is wrong. DUI cases are often won before they go to trial. There are numerous ways that an experienced DUI attorney can win a DUI case.

If you have been charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Utah, you should consider immediately retaining a defense lawyer to evaluate your case and inform you of your rights. In order to protect your legal rights when facing a DUI charge, hiring an attorney may allow you to not only avoid jail time but also prevent a lengthy driver’s license suspension. Even if you were over the legal limit of .08 BAC at the time of the arrest, an attorney may be able to challenge the constitutionality of the stop or arrest and get all of the legal charges against you dropped.

In addition to challenging the actual stop and arrest, our legal team will not only contest the admissibility of the evidence offered against you but also contest the mechanisms and procedures that the police used in collecting that evidence.

Being charged with a DUI is a very serious matter. The penalties associated with a DUI conviction can include jail time, fines, outpatient and in-patient treatment programs, and a lengthy driver’s license suspension. Also, in addition to the penalties that the court may impose, a guilty DUI conviction will result in you paying thousands of dollars more in high-risk insurance premiums than you are currently paying.

Hiring a DUI Defense attorney after being arrested should be one of your top priorities if you want to count yourself among those 9% that were found not guilty or had the charges against them dismissed. Learn how.


  • Misdemeanor DUI

  • Felony DUI

  • Under 21 DUI